• NAAC accredited 'A' grade.| Best Institute Award By Savitribai Phule Pune University. | Recognition of Institute under the section 2(f) & 12(B) of UGC Act,1956.
    Approved by AICTE New Delhi. | Permanently Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University. | Recipient of the 21st Dewang Mehta B -School Award for Education Leadership.
  • DTE CODE MBA:511210110
    DTE CODE MCA:511224110


Periodic Reports to Parents

The Institute will furnish a Performance Report on each student to the parents periodically. A monthly attendance report on each student will also be forwarded by the Director. We insist on regular attendance of students in classes, workshops, seminars & other co-curricular activities. Get-togethers & cultural programmes will be organized by the Students' Council, but will be subject to disciplinary rules.

Disciplinary Rules
  • A gymkhana at Hill Base campus with modern equipment including computerized treadmills and other exercises.
  • All the students are expected to be disciplined and well behaved. The rules mentioned below are meant to regulate discipline in our campus

  • No student will be allowed to enter the class/ knock at the door or leave the class once the faculty is in the classroom.
  • Students are not allowed to ask for breaks during the Lecture session.
  • Students must not request the faculty for cancellation of lectures. Peeping into classrooms, signaling etc. while the lecture is in progress are acts of misconduct.
  • Smoking, chewing of pan masala in campus and such indecent activities are strictly prohibited.
  • Absence from tests/examination/tutorials and non-submission of assignments in time will make a student ineligible for internal assessment. No excuse will be entertained.
  • Students should keep themselves abreast of day to day activities of the Institute and abide by all communications put up on the notice board.
  • Writing graffiti on the walls of the campus, benches or anywhere is an act of indiscipline. Such acts will attract severe punishments.
  • Disrespect or discourtesy to guests, faculty and office staff will be considered as an act of indiscipline.
  • Misbehavior, habitual late coming, disobedience, absenteeism, consumption of drugs, alcohol in the premises, malpractices, cheating in the exam and other such acts unbecoming of a management student shall attract immediate cancellation of admission.
  • The director is empowered to impose fines for misconduct on the part of any students as and when warranted and justified. The fines so collected will be utilized for welfare activities.

  • Attendance

    Attending classes and learning in the class through learned faculties is a critical step of growth and development of students, as the skills required by the Industry are taught in a systematic and progressive manner for which consistency in attendance is a pre-requirement. Absence from class leads to discontinuity in learning and defeats the very approach of progressive learning, as the subjects are inter-connected and missing one session may lead to confusion when the next session is being conducted. 75% of attendance is mandatory for every student.

    Consequently, it is not only difficult but also puts those students under tremendous pressure and helplessness leading to a stress, frustration and depression. We have come across quite a few cases of such students becoming psychiatric cases because of the pressure on them. Therefore, attending classes regularly is a requirement of any student who joins a good management institution. Similarly, studying at home/hostel everyday regularly can only lead to expected growth and development of students.